Our Brand

QX-Motor remains unlimited, so do your business, and our technology. Our company was formed because we saw a seed in the industry, and we assembled the best team and machines to serve our customers.Its hard to know who you can trust with your business. We know it and we always try our best to help you, with our hearts and leading-edge craftsmanship

Multimedia collage


30mm, 50mm, 64mm, 70mm, 80mm, and 90mm EDF for RC airplane models,... 

Brushless Motor

QX-MOTOR Brushless Motor Set series, focusing on the research and development of... 

Our Company

  • Our Team

    QX-MOTOR team focuses on the grind of product innovation based on real customer needs and feedback. We are creating more new accessories for hobbies beyond your expectation.

  • Product Advantages

    All of producs are designed and assembled in China by our hard-working employees. Customer satisfaction is our No.1 priority and we work hard to ensure the superior quality you demand.

  • Platform Advantage

    We began as QX-Motor in 2010 in Shenzhen, working in the brushless motor before taking the steps toward EDF, Digital Servo and ESC models. Now our products have met the continuous demand